Wajah baru? Yes,saya tahu.Dan, Hi.*waving hand*


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Hi strangers. Assalamualaikum! I'm Yayien. I'm Thirteen and I'm Zaynmalik's biggest fan. Aummmm ♥ One of #TeamROARR.
-- ϒᏙϔΞᎥИ --
Entries About Love


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Hi ugly. Jangan jadi childish dekat blog aku. Tak payah kutuk!
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template: Nanie Charays
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I Used : Colour


Lama x update rite? lol , sudah ade blog baru lah darl :)

Assalamualaikum x)  Hari ni ponteng lagi . K,greattt . hahaha , tapi esok tak ponteng,esok mmg cuti yg sekolah dah luluskan . #eh ?  No story to be told . And nothing to share here . Nanti kalau  saya ada boyfie,saya share . Siap letak biodata dia nanti , dgn gambar dia sekali . #Eh ? mcm akan ada pulak kan . But,seriously . Tensyen tengok kapel yg sweet dekat twitter ni -,- kau nak sweet privatelah , buat gua jelly je . Takpe,wa sweet ngan mak ayah saya sahaja :) okay . what more ? brrrr. takde benda nak hupdate lagi . So far, life is great , no you, no him anymore and I have my sayang Ibu Ayah , my craziest friends , kakak and abang yg garang and its awesome :D  Btw , i have new crush  and his name is bla bla bla . hahaha , he form 5 and yup,still getting his SPM and guessing thats why he still didnt app me on fb and finally I had cancel that friend request . I hate waiting -,-  but , not so crush la . I mean , not like mcm asyik nak look for him or know his stuff or whatever . Just like the way him are . Kalau jumpa dia or terserempak , and just screaming and thats it . hahahaha , a little bit dup dap dup dap bila jumpa dia tapi its okayy . I can deal with it . Okay . I know what is KidRauhl now . Eih , sorry dah melalut .  And yeah ,still demam and still selselma . hate it .So , the conclusion , i dont like anyone now . Maybe one day , my heart will open for a guy and I going to make sure he is the right guy :3 K,melalut lagi -,- hahahaha , what ? saya suka meraban . thats why kawan-2 benci saya . #eh ? tak betul statement tu . Thats why kawan-2 sayang saya ? kannnn ? :b K, bye guys . Assalamualaikum :D

now , I'm listening A Thousand Years . Ada ke manusia yg still together for a thousand years ? whoaaaa . weird --' kalau dulu ,adalah . Nabi Adam dan Hawa :) 

Lots of love , Yayien. ♥